This is how you will become awesome at email..


I will show you exactly how I've done exactly that for the past 20 years, making daily sales, using ONLY email - in ANY industry I've been involved in (infoproducts, physical products, service businesses, storefronts, network marketing..)

From: Geoff Stephen

It's what I do. Every. Day.

It's what I've done to generate more than $4Million using email alone. Oh, and it takes me about 20 minutes per day. Yup.

It's easier than you think.. BUT you have to know how to do it.

So what I've done for you is create a product called "EmailReboot".

It is a combination of a few things...

  • 12 (+1 Bonus issue) "Real World Email Marketing" Digital Issues of my "EmailReboot" publication that are instantly accessable from within your backoffice, This is the VAULT containing the information and techniques I use on a daily basis to generate more sales using only email. The "what", the "why", and the "how". This is where the real "GOLD" is. This is the exact information that thousands have used to generate daily sales via simple ol' email..
  • A membership to my website that contains essential information over and above what is printed in your EmailReboot copy, including email and sales funnel critiques and reviews, all done by yours truly.
  • Access to my "Marketing Hot Seats" where I take one person's marketing and review it top to bottom, inside and out, and help them become more efficient, more effective, and far more profitable than they are currently.
  • Exclusive "Marketing Fundamentals" and list building training, taught by me of course. This is a 4.5 hour video course available to all our subscribers so they can ensure they're on the right path BEFORE they start building their businesses the dum-dum ways (see below for this as a huge bonus!).
  • Access to our "members only" Facebook discussion group. Hang out and shoot the sh*t with our members. Learn how to become awesome at email marketing. And get access to me - it's where I'll be hanging out.

PLUS EXCLUSIVE BONUSES that you can NOT get anywhere else - see below..

  • + more stuff that will actually HELP you make more money.


My goal is for you to absorb the information provided in my training and my website, and put it to work for you immediately (same day) to generate more sales for your business.

Pssst.. This IS the shortcut.

Who is this for?

Maybe it's for you. Maybe it's not for you..

That part's up to you.

But I will say this..

EmailReboot was created for:

Marketers that are committed to making more money with email.

  • It doesn't matter if you have a small list (or no list).
  • It doesn't matter if you're brand spanking new, or an industry dinosaur. 
  • It doesn't matter what industry you're in.
  • My proven techniques and style can help you make more sales.


So is this for EVERYBODY?

Definitely not.

  • If you don't implement what I teach you, you will not move forward. Simple, right?
  • If you are in the "get rich quick" crowd, or think that's even a possibility, you're in the WRONG place.
  • If you want someone to do it FOR you, you're in the WRONG place.
  • If you can't handle brutal honesty and tell-it-like-it-is commentary, you're in the WRONG place.
  • If you're expecting "copy & paste" moneymaking, you're definitely in the WRONG place.
  • If you are easily distracted by the latest "shiny object", I don't want you on my buyers list.
  • If you think reading EmailReboot is going to make you rich in 30 days, you're in the WRONG place.


However.. this might be EXACTLY what you're looking for.

If you're ready to "kill it" with email marketing, I can show you how I do this, and show you how YOU can do this.

For me it's all about freedom, and that's what this type of marketing gets me. As I said.. these emails take me about 20 minutes to write... and then I'm done.

If this is ABSOLUTELY something you can commit to, you can purchase a membership and we'll get you started.

If not, I'm still going to be doing this every single day, with or without you.

The thing is, I can only let so many people in (because I only have so much time to dedicate to this), so this offer could come 'off the table' at any time, or increase to a MUCH higher 'keep-the-riff-raff-out' price.



You'll have access to these REAL-WORLD EMAIL MARETING digital issues:

Geoff Stephen's
"Manual for Success in Email Marketing"

Your digital email marketing "bootcamp"..

  • ALWAYS start with the basics.
  • But this time we start with MY basics, because this is how I've done it.
  • This is the FIRST thing you need before you even THINK about sending another email.

EmailReboot Issue #1:

Just some of what's inside..

  • Exclusive "insider" information on exactly HOW my "Caffeine Email" systematic marketing works, and how it will work for you and YOUR business.
  • How to 'REBOOT' your list of non-responsive leads and turn them into raving, buying fans!
  • My Super-intuitive "Birdhouse Email Funnel" and how it can generate sales for YOU no matter what you promote.

EmailReboot Issue #2:
"Unignorable Simplicity"

Just some of what's inside..

  • My profit-exploding "3-Page, 6-Figure" Funnel Formula that I use for EVERYTHING I sell.
  • How (and WHY) to be “deliberately repulsive” in our marketing in order to GET the right people, and GET RID of the riff-raff..
  • PLUS How to create raving fans while obliterating everyone else on our lists.

EmailReboot Issue #3:
"Spin it to win it!"

Just some of what's inside..

  • How to solve the “I can’t think of anything to write” obstacle that we all encounter in our email marketing adventures.
  • Turning an old email into a daily profit-generator in 2 minutes flat.
  • "The Magical Power of 3" - You'll have to read to find out..

EmailReboot Issue #4:
"The 6 Split Test Results That Will Completely Change How You Write Email Subject Lines.."

Just some of what's inside..

  • Simply put: The subject line split tests that WILL make you a more profitable email marketer.
  • Not only do I reveal the results of these tests, I explain WHY and HOW you can apply all this to your own copy, in no time flat!

EmailReboot Issue #5:
"The World's Greatest 'Welcome' Email.."

Just some of what's inside..

  • This WILL help you lubricate one of the tightest bottlenecks in everyone’s email funnel.. the dreaded, "What should I say in my WELCOME email??"
  • My "3-Step Welcome Email", and my own personal template YOU can use!

EmailReboot Issue #6:
"The 'Trust Issues' issue."

Just some of what's inside..

  • This training will bust wide open the MYTH of "Know, like, and trust.." It's not what you think, but this will change your marketing for the better 100x.
  • My "12 Elements" of respect-building emails that I use every day.

EmailReboot Issue #7:
"How to cure the 'Pitch Switch Itch'"

Just some of what's inside..

  • How to obliterate your "turning a story into a sales pitch" obstacle instantly, and profitably.
  • My 3 Content Sources that practically write my emails FOR me.
  • My "7-Step Sales Copy" pitch formual revealed!

EmailReboot Issue #8:
"List-Digging for Open Loop Closers!"

Just some of what's inside..

  • How to DIG your list and have your list TELL YOU exactly what they want to buy from you!
  • The exact template I use to accomplish immediate communication with my subscribers
  • The "Magic" of open loops.. and closing the sales..

EmailReboot Issue #9:
"High Risk.. Less Resistance"

Just some of what's inside..

  • How to turn a plain ol' marketing email into an attention-grabbing, profit-machine every time.. by just "upping the risk factor"..
  • My sneaky "3-Step" Subject line formatting trick that use, that works for every industry.

EmailReboot Issue #10:
"Symbiotic Email Segmentation"

Just some of what's inside..

  • ALL about what really matters (and what doesn't) as far as list segmentation goes, and how to "relationship" your way to a more responsive money-generating list.
  • My OWN PERSONAL "List Segmentation Plan for Engagement Excellence"..

EmailReboot Issue #11:
"The 'Not-A-Template' Templates Issue"

Just some of what's inside..

  • The "Email Template Mythology" and why you're screwing yourself out of hundreds of sales before you hit copy/paste.
  • The "deep-cut anatomy" of my 3 most successful emails, and WHY they work so well..
  • My 3-Part "Head Nod" formula to getting your subscriber to AGREE to buy from you without them realizing it!

EmailReboot Issue #12:
"Sometimes I write, sometimes I wrong.."

Just some of what's inside..

  • My "7 Email Initiators" that NEVER fail in spitting out income-doubling email copy.
  • The GOOD, the BAD, and the not so ugly (but super profitable), email copy formats that you can apply to your marketing TODAY!

BONUS EmailReboot Issue #13:
"The Holding Pattern Email Launch Formula"


Just some of what's inside..

  • My EXCLUSIVE "3-Phase, 30-Days" Email Launch Formula.
  • The exact sequence I've used to generate tens of thousands of $$ over a few days time.. ALL with just plain ol' caffeine emails.


The answer is "yes", of course, but first I want to add some intense-value"bonuses" to sweeten the ol' pot..

Bonus #1:

Marketing Fundamentals BOOT CAMP
Essential "Profit Mode" Video Training

If you don't have the information in my BOOT CAMP Video training, you simply don't (or won't) have an online business. This is where thousands of successful digital marketers have started, and continue to be successful..

This is over 4 1/2 HOURS of solid, up-to-date, what's working NOW, video training that is essential to getting your online business off the ground.

NOTE: These videos are taught by me (Geoff Stephen). This ain't no off-shoot b.s. video training. This is me showing YOU exactly how to start off right so you can dominate your market quickly and efficiently.

This course consists of 4 videos and covers the following:

Module #1: Digital Marketing Fundamentals (1 hr.)

Some of the topics I cover in this module:

  • The exact foundational model that ALL successful online marketers use to generate massive revenue through digital marketing.
  • The biggest screw-up you're making when setting up your online marketing processes.
  • The 3 "pillars of focus" in digital marketing. If these aren't your "3", you might as well quit now.
  • The "filter" needed in your process to consistently build your influence with your leads and customers.
  • Where your Emails and autoresponders fit into the equation, and why you're dead in the water without them.
  • How to simplify profit generation into 3 simple dum-dum proof steps.
  • The simple tools necessary to start your business with, manage your business with, and grow your business with, and where to get immediate access to these tools all in one place.
  • PLUS lots more essential marketing information..

Module #2: The Profit Funnel Model (1 hr.)

Some of the topics I cover in this module:

  • The exact funnel you need to build that generates endless income with cold leads, in any business or industry.
  • The 4-page super simple funnel that ALL successful businesses use to generate daily sales.
  • The perfect "lead magnet" process that magnetically draws in leads and drowns you in sales.
  • The lead magnet "bass ackwards" screw-up that almost everyone makes when they start out.
  • How to get "confirmed" optin leads through a secret hidden process (that I invented) that actually gets them to optin and confirm again.
  • The ONE tool that enables you to create your entire funnel with 2 EZ clicks of your mouse (video demonstration).
  • PLUS tons more information on creating the perfect funnels..

Module #3: Email Domination (1.5 hrs.)

Some of the topics I cover in this module: 

  • How to dominate in email marketing without sounding like a sleazy garbage-sucking biz-op marketing loser.
  • My 3-point "ETC" process behind every profitable email I've ever written.
  • The 5 part email-building formula that I use every day to dominate with my 20-minute "caffeine" emails.
  • How to be unforgettably unignorable in an ocean of email marketing mediocrity.
  • The "know, like & trust" bullsh*t myth and what you should REALLY be focusing on (sorry gurus).
  • Why you should "never" personalize your emails like the masses of idiot marketers already out there failing.
  • How often you should be emailing your list, and why this timing is the foundational formula for your future success.
  • Why your "greed need" for sales can be the back-breaker of your very existence in email marketing.
  • How to polarize your list instantly into either "tire-kickers" or "raving buying fans" by allowing your list to be fooled into being offended by your emails.
  • How to have a daily conversation with your list that "silently transitions" them into buying everything you’re selling.
  • PLUS even more business-building email wisdom..

Module #4: Affiliate Domination (1 hr.)

Some of the topics I cover in this module:

  • How to crush daily sales (of any product) when you don't even have a product of your own.
  • The formula behind the ACTUAL things you need to focus on to triple your sales without changing your process.
  • How to use these formulas to consistently generate more income whenever you need it.
  • The "tiny number tweaks" you can do NOW to grow your revenue and become a top affiliate.
  • What numbers you NEED to switch your focus to, before your income will EVER increase online.
  • PLUS much more ways to dominate your affiliate market..

Bonus #2

Geoff's Email Dump

As an EmailReboot subscriber you'll get access to Geoff's most profitable 147 emails!

These emails (and ones like them) have generated millions of dollars in sales, recruited thousands of network marketers, built massive lists, and have been the catalyst to Geoff's "20-minute" style of daily sales with email.

Geoff's Subject Line Dump

You can't have million dollar producing emails without the world's most effective subject lines. 

These are the best subject lines in the industry and work for ALL emails.

Here's are Geoff's BEST for your downloading pleasure..

Geoff's Hot Seats and Videos

Access Geoff's infamous "Hot Seat" training videos where he reviews and critiques (no holds barred) our subscribers best efforts. 

A fantastic learning tool, find out what you SHOULD be doing before you end up failing before you start..

Start here..

Listen, isn't it time you started succeeding? 

Now's your chance..

Okay, so the value of this product is outrageous. I hope you can see that.

And generally I would be charging upwards of $997 for this (and I have), mostly because of the intense one-on-one access to me you'll be getting - in addition to the digital newsletter issues you'll get instant access to + the aggressive marketing information, reviews, and critiques you'll be getting access to inside your own backoffice..

But for now I've reduced the "one-time" cost to only $997 $397

As I said above, due to "space" limitations, and because coaching is included, I can only let a certain number of people in every month, so this offer could disappear for a while, or I'll just jack the price back up.

So NOW would be a good time to "lock it in" at this low price.

 Click the Add To Cart button below

After purchasing you'll have instant access to your new EmailReboot backoffice:

Only $997  Only $597

Only $397

NOTE: After purchasing, you'll have "instant access" to your brand new EmailReboot backoffice with all the training noted above (and tons more). 

I will see you on the inside...

Geoff Stephen


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Can I download EmailReboot Issues and view them on my computer?

A: Yes. EmailReboot is a digital document available inside your backoffice. Remember that your membership also includes access to our membership site where I'll post all my supplemental training and resources, plus my webinars, plus access to me directly via our Facebook group.. plus more awesomeness than I can't list here. Trust me, the value of this thing is outstanding.

Q: What is your refund policy?

A: This is not a trial offer and I don't provide refunds. All sales are final. I'm bad like that.

Q: Why should I listen to you? What's your experience?

A: I have been in internet marketing for about 20 years. I have built many online businesses and have sold just about anything that can be sold online. I have built membership sites with close to 300,000 members in total. All built through email marketing, I might add.  I have trained thousands of marketers via video courses, countless webinars, one-on-one consulting and coaching, workshops, and at live marketing events across the country. But really, you should listen to me because I'm going to help you make more sales. Period.

Q: How can I contact you?

A: How about email? Opt in to: and you can contact me through that email process.

Q: Will you teach me how to make money from scratch?

A: Not really the point here. My training can help you "enhance" your marketing and make MORE money than you are now. That said I do provide list building and email basics throughout my training.

Q: Do you have an affiliate program for this?

A: Yes. EmailReboot customers have access to it.


Shall we?... Click the button below and get instant access..

After purchasing you'll have instant access to your new EmailReboot backoffice:

Only $997 
Only $397

NOTE: After purchasing, you'll have "instant access" to your brand new EmailReboot backoffice with all the training noted above (and tons more). 

Copyright © / Geoff Stephen

Members click here to login

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